How Frank Sinatra and Kirk Douglas Extended Their Support to John Wayne in His Last Days!


John Wayne was honoured by Hollywood stars Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas and US Presidents in an incredibly touching way during his final days when he was dying from cancer.

John Wayne suffered years of ill health during his final couple of decades. The heavy-drinking and smoking star had a lung and some ribs removed in 1964 due to a cancer diagnosis. During his last years, Duke struggled through his more physically challenging roles, secretly relying on an oxygen mask and even being hospitalised on his last movie The Shootist.


Yet by early 1979, he was dying from stomach cancer and wore a wetsuit under his tuxedo at the Oscars in his last public appearance. Just weeks before his death on June 11, 1979, fellow Hollywood legends banded together – including those opposed to his conservative political views – in a striking showing of amazing kindness.

On Wayne’s 72nd birthday on May 26, 1979, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal after Hollywood stars, both Republicans and Democrats, supported the award with statements praising Duke as an American icon and patriot. This was especially touching given the clashes the dying star had had with some of the actors over the years on movie sets. Although the wiser among them like Kirk Douglas knew never to speak politics with Wayne.


Those who shared statements in support of the award included the latter, Frank Sinatra, Maureen O’Hara, Elizabeth Taylor and James Arness. And here are some of the sweet tributes they made to Wayne.

Douglas wrote: “I strongly believe that John Wayne should receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. He is an authentic chunk of Americana. His personal and artistic life represent the best qualities of America admired by people around the world. He has always been a strong force for the American way of life. He has personified that force privately and artistically for many, many years. The world would applaud -the action of bestowing this medal on a great American.”

Sinatra stated: “For over half a century, Mr Wayne has served honorably as America’s symbol to the world of the highest morals and prudent standard of our society. No man’s lifetime of work has better expressed the land of the free and the home of the brave. No man’s lifetime of work has given more proof to the world that our flag is still there. John Wayne is in truth a star-spangled man whom so proudly we hail.” Meanwhile, two US Presidents also sent statements of their support.






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